PTODD  LAPA: 10/07/17
          8 Point 118 0/8" BUCK

Todd called me and said, I forgot my friend put me in the
Deer Contest. The buck was caped and the meat was
being cut up. He said, what can I do. I said bring in the
rack and we can at least score it.

Todd came in with his bride and kids and what a nice
family this guy has.

He took this nice 8 Point the day before his wife was
due with their brand new daughter.

Todd was bowhunting near Bristol NY when he took
the buck at 6:32pm with a Chisel Tip broadhead.

It was a 17 yard shot and the buck went about 70 yards.
This is his 1st Bow BUCK. Todd sent me some pictures
he took in the field which are much better than the shop

I think his son is pretty excited to hold daddies buck.