MIKE  ROFFE: 10/16/17
          115 LB
          5 Point 50 0/8" BUCK

Mike is of course one of Creekwood's Three Musketeers.
Ed Downey and Jerry Tinkous are the other two.

Mike took this buck in Orleans County and was able to
share his kill with the other two Musketeers. These
three do a lot together.

Mike had been sitting for about 2 1/2 hours before he got
his shot. At 5:15 he saw this same buck at 45 yards. Then
at 5:30 a nice doe. Then at 6:45 the buck came back, only
this time at 20 yards, which for the buck was a big mistake.
The G5 Striker did it's job with a complete pass thru. Mike
is going to send me some pictures he took in the field,
which are always better than mine at the shop.

Stay tuned for some Elk pictures, as Mike is going to
Colorado with friends and therefore he will be missing
the whitetail rut here.