JOHN  BROZAK: 10/30/13
          159 LB
          8 Point 119 3/8" BUCK
          98 LB

John harvested both of these deer with Rage

The buck he took in Letchworth at 5:10pm with a
33 yard shot.

The doe he harvested in Allegheny County at 7:45am
with a 25 yard shot.

John as you probably know if your a regular in the
Creekwood deer contest is always in here with
more than one deer.

The thing that makes John different from most other
bowhunters is every year he is introducing one or
more people to the sport of bowhunting. I think if
every bowhunter did what John does, maybe every
person of legal hunting age would be a bowhunter.
This year Chelsea Lamere was the person John
introduced to bowhunting. He said when he met her,
she was kind of a pink girl and now he said she owns
more camo than he does.

When John came in he said, "do you think it will
make NYS Big Buck Club"? I said, I think it will be
close. When we scored it, it grossed 122 2/8", but
after dedictions it just missed.  Because of the
symatery thing with Pope & Young it didn't make
it, but I'll tell you what, it's bigger than any buck I
have ever shot by 2 or 3 inches. Great buck John.