SHANE PRICE: 11/12/11
          6 Point BUCK

This is an E-Mail I recieved from Shane today 11/12/11:

Ron, Ben and Marsha,

Thought I would send along a picture of the deer I shot
this morning at 8:30.  It took this guy 10 mins to close
about 150 yards.  He had a heck of a time walking and it
seems something my be amiss in his neck. 

He came in to the scent I bought from you guys on Friday. 
The shot was a whole seven yards out of my Elite Judge (
which I absolutely love) tipped with a scopian xp broadhead. 
He really did not want to run as he made two bounds and
about three steps after until he took the big sleep (20 yards t
otal traveled).  Thanks for setting me up and making sure I
have the best product in my hands.   

Shane Price

Shane and his bride Kim both enjoy the sport of archery.
Shane and his dad, Tom hunt hard togeather and I'm sure
will have made lots of memories during the 2011 season.