JAKE  SAPIENZA: 11/10/11
          108 1/2 LB

This is Jake's 1st year hunting, 1st year bowhunting
and the 1st deer he saw. I would say that's batting
100%. With an average like that, he should sign with
The New York Yankees.

Jake has had a trail camera out and noticed a pattern
with this doe and about 40 minutes later he would get
a picture of a buck. He set himself up and right on
schedule at 7:49 am he shot this 1st place doe in the
contest so far with a Coyote Broadhead.

He got a complete pass thru on his 25 yard shot and
the doe went about 100 yards. Jake was hunting in
Hamlin, NY. Yes, that's a proud dad standing next to
Jake. Meat in the pot.