SHANE PRICE: 10/23/10
          149 LB
          8 Point 96 3/8" BUCK

Shane harvested this buck with his new Elite bow
that he likes very much. He was hunting with his
dad Tom, down in Branchport, NY.

Earlier in the morning a monster buck walked past
his stand, but it was before legal shooting time.

At 9:00am this nice buck offered him a 16 yard shot.

The vision of the monster was still fresh in his mind,
but over the years he has eaten some tags, so the
old saying of a bird in the hand is worth two in the
bush took over and he decided to take this buck.

In the picture is his sister in-law and her daughter
Samantha who is cuter than a button and likes
Hershey Kisses. The buck was quartering toward
him so Shane waited until the wind was going to
give him away an
d at took the shot.

He said it felt like an emotional roller coaster deciding
when to take the shot and the same feeling came over
him when he was tracking. It wasn't his favorite shot of
choice. When he found the buck he felt that jerk up
emotionally. Bringing the buck out on their cart, he
remembered taking one of the cotter keys out when he
needed it for something, but they improvised and, all
worked out well. They have decided, Tom is just going
to have to kill the monster buck. Stay tuned.


Click HERE to see Shane's 2009 Season
Click HERE to see Shane's 2005 Season