LARRY SCHUTH: 11/02/10
          142 LB
          7 Point 73 0/8" BUCK

Larry is a real interesting guy. While sitting in
his ground blind today he got a phone call to
be a substitute teacher for a kindergarten class.

Of course he had to turn the work down as he
was a little busy, with his newly found hobby.
This is his first year bowhu
nting and therefore
his first bow buck.

When he first saw the deer he thought it was a
doe and then from his vantage point sitting on
his 5 gallon bucket in his ground blind saw it was
a buck. The next thing he new the arrow was gone,
he thought the shot was bad, but when the buck
fell over dead just 30 yards away, he thought a little
differently. It was 2:00pm in Hilton, NY when his
Razorcap broadhead sent the buck off on hid dirt
nap with a complete pass thru shot. Larry has been
gun hunting for 57 years and this summer he decided
he might try bowhunting. He took Creekwood's
bowhunter education class, took a lesson before he
developed any bad habits and was off to the races. If
you Google Larry's name, you will see a cordwood
cabin he built over a three year period up in the
Adirondack Mountains.