ERIC DREWEL: 10/16/10
          126 3/4 LB DOE

Next year this young man will be in the Marine Corps,
following his fathers footsteps. As a matter of fact, this
past summer, Eric was approached by the US Army to
be a sharp shooter for them. Eric said, "no thanks, I'm
going to be a Marine like my dad."

Eric's dad Curt is ranked notionally as a long distance
sharpshooter. Eric was hunting with a crew of four other
buwhunters in North Greece when he took this fat doe
with a perfect shot.

When you watch the deer tip over,
you have done everything right. The broadhead was
a SlickTrix and the shot was at 7:30 am. Eric's mom
and dad have been Creekwood customers ever since
we opened.