DON JACOBSON: 11/14/10
          144 1/2 LB
          7 Point 85 4/8"

Don, his son Brett and Wes Marchand have a ton
of fun bowhunting with each other. They are very
serious about when and where they bowhunt. If
the wind isn't right they will not hunt a stand period.

Don had this monkey on his back that he never
talked about, until he got it off his back today. He has
had a few dry years, which was very out of character
for him.

They were hunting a new property in Hamlin, NY
today when he took this buck. He was using a Rage
broadhead and said he will never use them again.
His shot was 5 yards and the buck only went 100 yards.
He has been seeing a lot of deer this season, but
nothing he wanted to shoot until this guy came along
at 6:55am.

His son Brett (Hoss) watched some poor doe this morning
literally being pushed around by a buck to the point he
was worried about her well being. There was one doe
and four bucks wanting her attention and the biggest
buck was physically controlling the doe, with the only
time she had any rest was when he was running off
the other bucks. He said the vocalizations were so loud
and strong , Brett actually thought he was listening to
bears fighting instead of deer.

Wes is so far having his worst season ever. The biggest
deer he has seen was a little four pointer. I told him he
was due and be ready for the emotional roller coaster.
Stay tuned for Wes's POPE'ER.