CATHY TURNER: 10/30/10
          199 1/2 LB
          14 Point 176 7/8"
          POPE & YOUNG BUCK

Yes, this is the same Cathy Turner that won the
Gold Metal in Speed Skating. She has been in a
few times practicing along with her two daughters,
Bayli and Britney.

When Cathy called she was pretty excited. She
said to Marcia, "Do you want me to send you a
picture of it?", and my bride said, you can but why
don't you bring it over and we will take pictures,
weigh it and score it for you.

Cathy said, OK, I will figure out some way to get it
over there, but I don't think I can get it in the car.

When she got it here in a truck, I didn't even see
how she could drag it. What a monster buck. I tried
to explain to her what she had here, but it wasn't
until I showed her in the NYS Big Buck Club
Record Book the scores that she started to realize
what a special buck this is.

She was hunting in the town of Parma when she
made the 15 yard shot. It was 8:30 in the morning.
She was using a Satellite broadhead and the buck
went about 75 yards.

I asked her how it felt compared to winning her
Olympic gold metal. She said, "When I won the
gold I wasn't nervous at all, but this morning I was
never so nervous".

This is her second bow deer. I explained to her,
that I wasn't an official scorer, but no matter how
bad I screwed up the score, I feel that there is a
strong chance this will be the biggest buck taken
in NYS this year.

If they gave out gold metals for bucks, this would
get her one.