AJ KEIFFER: 10/16/10
          118 1/4 LB
          9 Point 65 3/8" BUCK

AJ saw six deer before shooting light and one of
the deer was a real nice buck.

Before AJ got the opportunity for a shot he watched
the buck make a rub.

AJ drew his bow when the buck went behind a tree
and held his bow for what seamed like 3 to 4 hours.
Yes, it was actually only a minute or so.

His broadhead was a 125 grain Buck Blaster which
I had never seen before. He was hunting in Shelby,
NY with hid friend Dusty when he took the 12 yard
shot and the buck only went 35 yards.

AJ KEIFFER: 11/6/10
          95 LB Doe @ 8:30am
          2nd Doe @ 9:00am
AJ was hunting this morning using Buckeye TDA
(Total Deer Attractant) and says he has never seen
anything like it.

This is AJ's second year bowhunting and is having
a ball. Last year he filled all his tags and this year is
well on his way. The first part of November he got two
more doe tags so he isn't done yet.

He bought some things to put scent in manufactured by
Tink's. He said I put four different scent placements
around his stand. Three does and a buck bigger than the
one above he harvested above came in investigating his
scent. He shot the biggest doe which ran about 35 yards
and piled up. The rest of the deer didn't seem to be to
bothered, and soon came back, again investigating the
scent. It took a while to get the shot he wanted to take his
second doe in a half-hour.
AJ was hunting in Shelby, NY
with his brother Dusty and was using Magnus Stinger

Buckeye TDA (Total Deer Attractant), made it happen.