RON PENNA: 11/08/09
         200 lb  13 POINT
         146 0/8" POPE & YOUNG BUCK

Ron called today to give me a report on the Illinois
hunt he is on with his friend Chris Efing. They got
hit with some real hot weather on the hunt. Seventy
Five degrees or better, or should I say worse.

Ron took this buck on the first Saturday of there
hunt. Ron was using a 125 grain RazorCap
broadhead and at 9:40am he made the 24 yard shot.

You can see it was a great hit, the buck went 40
yards toward the truck tipped over and then rolled
60 more yards down a gully toward the truck.

When they go towards the truck the hunter has
powerful KARMA. During the hunt he saw two
other shooter bucks, 5 other bucks and 4 does.

This buck, he grunted in some with a grunt call
and some with his voice. The way this guy can
grunt with his voice, I'm surprised he even has a
grunt call.

Ron said the reason he has a grunt call is because
if he feels like he has to cough he can grunt with a
tube without coughing.

His partner, Chris had a good hunt, saw some
shooters also, but none close enough.

These two always have a great hunt no mater
what the outcome is. If you want to catch quality
fish equal to this quality buck, check out:
BUC - A - ROO charters - Captain Ron Penna
Chrysalis Charters - Captain Chris Efing