ERIC GALLERT: 11/10/09
          115 LB 8 POINT
          76 0/8" BUCK

What your looking at is a DEC officer want-a-bee,
or maybe I should say, soon-to-be. What ever
branch of police Eric ends up going to work for
will have a hard working exceptional person on
there staff with the kind of values you wish
everyone had.

Eric is a senior at Brockport College and has helped
us out at Creekwood for three years and we have
been tickled to death with him. He is a great worker.

Eric was bowhunting in Clarkson when he saw this
buck but there was no shot. He texted his mom that
he had just seen a nice 8 point. She texted back,
maybe he will come back. As soon as Eric put his
phone back in his pocket the buck was coming back.
That is one powerful mom.

This is his best buck ever. The shot was 25 yards
at 4:15pm and the buck only went 40 yards.

The broadhead was a 100 grain 4 blade Muzzy.

Of course he texted his mom back with the super
news and she was the first one to arrive to the scene.