PJ  CHARETTE: 10/14/06
    150 1/2 LB 8 POINT
    93 6/8" Gross - 89 6/8" Final

Turn the flash on, Ben.

PJ and his dad just began hunting together
this year and it is a good match. PJ has only
been shooting a bow about a month, but he
had a good teacher.

We set up his bow for him, gave him a few
pointers, helped him set his pins and then his
dad took over.

His dad, Joe Burnstine is a member of NYS Big
Buck Club, is a deer hunting sick'o and put his
son thru a crash course.

Food plots were all planted, stands were all up,
shooting lanes were all trimmed and his son
took to it like a duck takes to water. 

PJ was  using 125 grain Thunderhead broadhead.
His shot was 23 yards and the buck went 110
yards. He was hunting in Kent, NY. These two
were in the shop when Mike Marini shot his deer
and they met him at Wegmans in Brockport and
helped Mike find his buck.